FinCo's offices in Santa Ana, California.

FinCo is located in the city of Santa Ana, about 34 miles southeast of downtown Los Angeles. Our street address is:

FinCo Fabrication
1332 East Borchard Avenue
Santa Ana, CA 92705

Our office telephone number is (714) 973-2878

Our office fax number is (714) 973-2832

To send us an email, just click on the link below:

Maps and Driving Directions

FinCo is conveniently located near the intersection of the Newport 55 Freeway, the Interstate 5 Freeway, and the San Diego 405 Freeway. Our offices at 1332 East Borchard are located just north of the intersection of Grand Avenue and Edinger Avenue in Santa Ana.

For a Google maps map showing FinCo's location and driving directions, click here.

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area freeway map
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detail map

Brownie sanding a boat