Sanding a fiberglass product.

FinCo Fabrication has served as one of Southern California's premiere fiberglass manufacturing companies for more than 15 years. Our master craftsmen have created hundreds of fiberglass products of all types, from concert speakers and forklift bodies to shower facilities for corporate jets. They are equally skilled in the art of creating production patterns and molds for a variety of intricate fiberglass products. We take great pride in our fiberglass work, and we take greater pride in our ability to develop close, lasting relationships with our customers in order to fully service their needs.

From Blueprints to Production

We begin our "open-molding" process by determining the most practical and cost-effective method for fabricating a client's fiberglass product in a timely manner. FinCo's Tooling Department can develop production molds directly from standard blue prints or a master copy of the product. Our craftsmen will analyze the product's design and then create one or more precision molds that will faithfully reproduce it throughout the production process. We can also work directly from a customer's own production molds, or we can create molds that customers can use for their own production purposes.

Once the molds are prepared, our craftsmen begin fabricating the product using the latest cutting-edge fiberglass composites, compounds, and technology. FinCo now creates products for a wide spectrum of industries involved with everything from trucking and chemicals to housing construction and the entertainment industry.

Case Studies in Excellence

The management and staff of FinCo Fabrication are proud of their long tradition of providing unparalleled fiberglass products and service for their distinguished list of clients. The following case studies offer a more detailed look at how FinCo typically addresses the needs of its clients:

Wiggins Lift Company (Forklift Bodies and Components)

Reynolds Sailing (Catamaran Rudders and Dagger Boards)

Ronco Plastics (Chemical Containment Tanks)

Fred Barton Productions ("Robby the Robot" Figurines)

For more information about our fiberglass services, including a free evaluation of your own production requirements, please call (714) 973-2878 or contact us at our offices in Santa Ana, California.